Monday, October 22, 2012

Body Revelations

Today I woke seeing
not with my eyes,
but seeing the world
through the heart.
The location of things
seemed to drop
from my brain
and was peering
out from my chest.
My forehead unwrinkled
its long years of worry;
my throat released
all of its grip;
and now there's a breath
that fills my whole being,
a breath so open and free
that instead of stopping
at the top of my lungs,
it pirouettes in the heavens above
and swirls inside middle earth.
And here in this body,
this small human body,
that's always and only 
belonged to God,
the secret of deep
abidance in peace seems
to be to live from the heart;
for the mind of the brain
seems to want some gain,
but the mind of the heart stays clear.
Who would ever believe 
that this very body,
the one I spent years to transcend,
would turn out to be
Truth's continual key
to abide as the One I am?
And who could imagine
it's possible to see,
not through eyes,
but the heart's pure intimacy?

Dorothy Hunt
Photo:  Peter Bowers